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Space Availability - Tredway Library

The library's study rooms are intended for private individual or group study, with priority given to current students, faculty and staff. Alumni may be given access to the study rooms, with the understanding that their reservation may be interrupted if current student need requires use of the room. For as long as state mandates require masking, masks will be required in study rooms.

The rooms are NOT soundproof. Third floor is a quiet floor, so it is a priority for occupants of third floor study rooms to be respectful of general noise levels when using these rooms.

Study rooms on the 3rd floor are intended for groups of 1 - 3 people. Study rooms on the 2nd floor are intended for and require groups of 4 - 10 people.

Patrons are limited to 4 hours of time per day. If you or a member of your group have not shown up by 15 minutes after the start of the scheduled time, library staff may assume this booking is void and check it out to someone else. Rooms may be booked up to one week in advance.

Tap the box for the first hour of the reservation.

Scroll down and select end time from the drop down box.

Do NOT tap multiple individual boxes.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding